Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
Founder HC3D, Inc.; Heart to Soul Becoming Whole
Talk Titles:
- World Health Organization (WHO) Update
- Economic Impact of Dementia Caregiving (Caregiver Relief Grant)
- The Impact of Caregiver Mental Health to Communities (Caregiver Respite Events)
Jeremy Cohen, PhD Xavier University
Talk Title:
- The Physiological, Behavioral and Brain Health Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation
Cathy Green-Miner, LPC-S, BC-TMH
Talk Therapy, LLC
Talk Title:
- Caregiver Mental Health: The Impact of Caregiver Mental Health to Communities
Mai Do, MD, MPH, DrPH;
NhuNgoc Pham, MPH;
Theresa Pham, MPH;
Annie Trinh
Tulane University
Talk Title:
- Covid-19: Caregiving and Quality of Life among Vietnamese Americans in New Orleans
Mai Do, MD, MPH, DrPH;
NhuNgoc Pham, MPH;
Theresa Pham, MPH;
Annie Trinh
Discussion Title:
- Caregiving among Vietnamese Americans in New Orleans
Alex Cole Birdsill, PhD Tulane University
Talk Title:
- Cognitive Activities for Brain Health
Rebecca Solch, PhD Tulane University
Talk Title:
- Nutrition and Cognitive Health
Chef Heather Nace, RD, LDN Tulane University Goldring Center
Director of Operations & Executive Chef
Talk Title:
- The Power of Culinary Medicine: Food as Medicine
Live Demonstration:
- Food as Medicine Cooking Demonstration
Don Wendorf, Psy.D. & Lynda Everman, B.A.
Talk Title:
- Personhood, Empathy and the Expressive Arts with Persons Living with Dementia
Paul Colombo, PhD Tulane University
Talk Title:
- Music-based Interventions for Treatment of People with Dementia
Demetrius M. Maraganore, MD, FAAN
Tulane University
Talk Titles:
- Preventing Cognitive Decline and Dementia
- Live Discussion on Prevention